Dalam sebuah (Webinar) Seminar Internasional menggunakan bahasa inggris, moderator sering kali chat di kolom chat bertanay atau memberikan informasi ke Peserta. Salah satunya memberikan instruksi atau informas seperti dibawah ini.

Moderator : Good morning, ladies and gentlemen If you find any queries to Prof. Ramil’s presentation, feel free to drop your questions here.


Mengapa tidak menggunakan :

Good morning, ladies and gentlemen If you find any queries to Prof. Ramil’s presentation, feel free to write your questions here.


Menurut berbagai sumber yang kami pahamai keduanya sebenarnya merupakan pilihan yang benar dan dapat diterima. Kedua kalimat tersebut memiliki makna yang serupa, dan keduanya dapat digunakan tanpa masalah. Pilihan antara “drop” dan “write” hanyalah masalah gaya dan preferensi pribadi.

“Feel free to drop your questions here” memiliki nuansa yang lebih santai dan informal. Penggunaan kata “drop” di sini mencerminkan gaya percakapan yang lebih kasual dan ramah. Sementara itu, “Feel free to write your questions here” lebih umum digunakan dan mungkin terasa sedikit lebih formal. Kata “write” di sini menyiratkan tindakan menulis pertanyaan, yang dapat dianggap lebih formal daripada hanya “drop”.

Pilihlah yang sesuai dengan gaya dan suasana yang ingin diciptakan dalam komunikasi di tempat kamu. Berikut contoh pertanyaan dari peserta dalam sebuah Seminar Internasional di UMBY.

Berikut contoh kata-kata yang lain Apresiasi kepada Pemateri dalam Bahasa Inggris.

Very nice presentation sir..

Thank you for sharing your valuable insight, Prof. …… ! Fantastic! See you around in Yogyakarta soon..

Thank you very much for your inspiring presentation Prof Ferry Jie.

Thank you very much for your great presentation Prof Ramil. Hope we can collaborate for the further research and other activities.

Very insightful and mind opening, Prof…. Glad to implement your thoughts into our community service next time..

Wonderful sharing, Prof. Srividya! Glad to see you again here

Contoh Apresiasi ke Pemateri

Contoh Ucapan yang disampaikan oleh Presenter saat diundang dan masuk ke Zoom

Good morning and good afternoon. Hope you all are doing amazing. My name is Ferry Jie from School of Business and Law, Edith Cowan University. Western Australia. Whatsapp: **** Thanks for inviting me for this amazing conference. All the best
Thanks for inviting me, Pak Rektor. Have a wonderful conference today.

Contoh Chat dari Presenter saat diundang dan sebelum lakukan Presentasi

Contoh Pertanyaan dari Peserta Seminar

Hello Prof Ramil, in this occasion, we would like to learn from other countries. In your view what the significant factor that motivate young entrepreneurs in some countries that you showed before such as Singapore, Thailand and so on which are growing so fast in their social entrepreneurship compare to other countries such as Indonesia. For example lack of access to investors. How your countries overcome this matter? Thank you so much.

Diana A.

Good morning ladies and gentlemen and Prof Ramil’s introducing me,Tri sri natalia saragih with student number two hundred twenty million five hundred ten thousand two hundred twenty seven, from University Mercu Buana Yogyakarta Indonesia I want to ask about how sociopreneurs can identify and handle negative impact thay may arise from their business activities? that’s all my questions thank you

Tri Sri Natalia Saragih

Chat Moderator saat akhir presentasi

Good morning, ladies and gentlemen.
In this second term of panel session, we’ll keep your questions after the three presenters have done their talks.
You may still drop your questions in the chatbox, and please mention the name of speaker(s) whom you address to. Or you may raise your hand directly to address your questions.
Thank you. Have a good day.


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